Abrasively Normal
Over a Drink
Processing Intimate Hurts

Processing Intimate Hurts

A discussion around something a lot of people experience but few people talk about.

Jake Bakken is a Husband, soon-to-be father, worship leader, and my brother-in-law.

In this episode, Jake and I talk about the journey he and his wife took on the way to pregnancy.

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Abrasively Normal
Over a Drink
The Over a Drink Podcast is a space where real people have real conversations about real things that happen in real life.
When you listen to this podcast you will hear men's stories authentically and you will learn that there are a lot of commonalities between yours and theirs.
The Over a Drink Podcast was created to oppose the stigma around talking vulnerably.
This podcast is created by the telling of men's stories but it is for everyone. Testimonies are powerful and there is no limit to what God can do through them.